WOD 131224:
1) 10 min. to establish a max 2-Pos Clean (hi-hang, low-hang 2″ from floor) + Jerk (both Cleans UB, then one Jerk).
2) EMOM for 5 minutes – 1 2-Pos Clean (hi-hang, low-hang 2″ from floor) + Jerk @ 85% of max from #1.
1a) 3X5 Strict + ME UB Kipping Deficit HSPU 6/4″ – rest 90 sec.
Note: If you cannot do strict reps from a deficit, then do not use a deficit for any reps. Strict reps may be broken, but ME UB Kipping sets must start immediately after the final strict rep, without coming off the wall.
1b) 3X5 Max Height Box Jumps – rest 90 sec.
Note: Step down ALL REPS. These should be high enough to be challenging for five reps, but not so high that rest is needed between reps.
12 minute AMRAP of:
100 Double-Unders
20 TTB
20 Power Clean & Push Jerks 105/75#
75 Double-Unders
20 TTB
15 Power Clean & Push Jerks 155/105#
50 Double-Unders
20 TTB
10 Power Clean & Push Jerks 205/140#
Note: When all three rounds are completed, continue to repeat the final round for the duration of the AMRAP.

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